JANUARY 2011: My Surface Interval named one of the best scuba diving blogs

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Scuba diving Scapa Flow day 1

Well, we are here finally.

Kit is set up on the boat, Radiant Queen, cylinders are filled and we are thinking of the Koln for first dive of the week.

As long as the British weather doesn't play its lousy hand.

Apparently, 'the swells we had on the mv hamnavoe are 'flat calm for scapa and the hardy souls on the orkney islands will be sunbathing on the beach', so hopefully the northerly winds don't deal us a written hand.

The boat is spacious and the dive lodge is more luxurious than you could imagine for a dive operation.

Emily the skipper has already got Junior's number.

Fish and chips for tea tonight, then an early night.

I just hope when I get on the boat tomorrow I remembered where I packed my thermals!

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